It’s been quite a few years since I had a working, updated website. I’d like to blame all things that everyone else blames things on these days, but I went off-line before that trying to figure out what to do next. Regardless, a site that hadn’t been updated since 2018 (when everything went sideways) was just too much to bear. I’ve been getting by with a placeholder coming soon page for far too long. Since being completely burnt out on wordpress nonsense, I almost resorted to a fully html website like I used to make back in the day. When websites were fun. But here we are.
Several reasons made me put this back up again, the main one being I’m pretty much doing all my old creative activities plus new ones. I figured if I wanted to show anyone what I was up to in any constructive way, I’d need to sit down and look through all my backups. Thank the gods I figured out how to get backups from old computers out of my time machine. Saved my life.
Anyway, this place could completely change once new things start rolling. This year doesn’t have too many plans yet, but I’m hoping for conventions, travel, new jobs, new projects finished and accelerated and just more happening. You know, unlike the last 4 years.

My comic Spades is back online. Of course I’ve yet to update it, but I’m so happy looking at the very old html site I made. There’s still some broken links, but that was really the best format. Be sure to check out the soundtrack page 🙂

I have a novel in the works. It’ll probably become two novels knowing me, and I’m hoping to finish a draft and get it in front of an editor this year. I’ll tell you more as that happens, but for now check out my creepy awesome placeholder page!
So, right now, I guess you could say that I’m still recovering, but optimistic. This year feels better than any before it, and I know that’s because I think all the work I’ve been doing is finally allowing me to get back to me and what I thought I lost. So, here’s to that and an awesome Happy New Year. See you soon!